Friday, August 21, 2020

The Phoenician Empire :: World History

The Phoenician Empire The Mediterranean Sea has produced numerous human advancements through history. The Phoenicians, which began around 1200 BCE, is one model. In spite of the fairly little size of this development, its effect on our reality has been extensive. Being a nautical country, the Phoenicians built up settlements everywhere throughout the Mediterranean region, including the present-day urban areas of Carthage and Tripoli. As eminent dealers, they imparted societies to numerous countries, which permitted their innovation of the letters in order to spread all through Eurasia. The Phoenician Empire kept on advancing until its inevitable consolidation into the Persian and Macedonian Empires, around 400 BCE. Phoenicia is an old district lying on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. The Empire topped at around 1000 BCE, and created until around 700 BCE. Phoenicia, presently known as Lebanon, Syria, and Israel, was normally detached from different developments by the Lebanon Mountains in the east, and the incredible ocean on the west. The little area extended around 320 kilometers in length and around 25 kilometers wide. This topographical detachment gave the Phoenicians enough security to develop into a solid country, while giving it the opportunity to exchange and investigate over the Mediterranean. Albeit little is thought about the antiquated development, it is realized that the legislature was, in any event to a limited extent, a government. Eminence was viewed as a matter of heavenly plunge, so rulers couldn't be picked outside of the imperial family. The dealer families likewise held a lot of intensity in Phoenicia, because of their extraordinary impact in open issues. Despite the fact that the name Phoenicia infers that the progress was a brought together express, the country comprised of discrete city-realms. Every Phoenician City was viewed as free from each other, and was controlled by its own ruler. Phoenicians were known as the most recognized nautical brokers and vendors of the old world. Indeed, they called themselves Kena'ani (or Canaanites), which is Hebrew for Dealer. They built up exchanging settlements everywhere throughout the Mediterranean Sea, including Carthage, Simyra, Zarephath, Byblos, and Tire (Sur). Sea exchanging additionally ventured into the Atlantic Ocean to England. A portion of the merchandise exchanged included glass, shading colors, metals, ponies, coal black and ivory, material, coral, nectar, flavors, oil and valuable stones. Oceanic exchanging would not be workable for the Phoenicians without created nautical innovation. Phoenicians were known for having incredibly propelled boats and route. Boats were worked with a keeled body, which permitted them to go on the vast oceans.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Paper Writing Research Methods

Paper Writing Research MethodsThere are several different paper writing research methods that one can use when they are conducting an online study. The paper writing research method will allow you to collect the information you need in order to construct your study's conclusion or conclusions. As long as you understand and follow these directions for each method, you will be able to generate the most precise data possible.The most basic research method is through the use of search engines. This research method allows you to conduct research about the results and information regarding any given subject. All you have to do is enter the terms you wish to obtain into Google or any other popular search engine, and voila, within seconds you will be presented with a list of sites that have information related to the topic at hand.Your next research method should involve the use of forums and online discussion boards which are considered to be the gold standard for gathering data from the ge neral public. This is an excellent way to gather important information that you want to use to build your conclusions about the subject matter at hand. You will find it easier to obtain the necessary information if you are allowed to ask questions to the members of the forums.The third research method that you should do involves the use of a free service which is available on the Internet. This service is known as a site called Freebase, and it was created to provide a free resource for online users. All you have to do is to enter the name of the person in question and a short description of the subject matter, and Freebase will immediately provide you with a wealth of information about the subject matter.The fourth research method that you should consider is the use of Google Answers. By providing this service, you will be able to get professional-quality answers to any question you have. It is definitely important that you never attempt to contact the site's owner directly in orde r to ask the question you have in mind.The fifth research method that you should consider is the use of internet blogs. Although it may seem a little too complicated for you to use to conduct your research, it is in fact very easy for you to utilize. All you have to do is to create a blog about the subject you wish to research, and you will instantly gain access to a plethora of information about the subject.The sixth paper writing research method is to engage in a chat session with the person who owns the website you were attempting to find information from. Most people who have established an online presence also have a blog. You can always use the blog's blog posting section to ask the owner of the blog about the topic you are researching.The final research method that you should consider is the use of blogs. If you are interested in learning more about an area of study, all you have to do is type in the keyword phrase in Google and hit the search button. Within a matter of secon ds, you will be presented with a wealth of useful information relating to the subject matter at hand. You should use this information to supplement your current knowledge and interpretation of the subject.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Diversity Essay - 1591 Words

People are not alike. Everyone is different. This essay will start by giving a detailed description of what diversity is and how it applies in todays modern society. Although sometimes linked to equality and used interchangeably, the terms ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’ are not the same. It will therefore be necessary to define diversity. For the purpose of this essay diversity will be used in the societal context, the word societal will be used in relation to human society and its members, social institutions, societal evolution, societal forces and social legislation. The essay will take a very brief look firstly at the history of diversity but will focus mainly on the current perspective. The essay will follow on by giving several in-depth†¦show more content†¦Because societies, governments and political structures change over time so do its values, principles and policies that are implemented (Colebatch, 1998). Nor are these societies homogenous; th ey are plural entities which contain subgroups that differ from each other, culturally, socially and politically (Giddens. 1995). Diversity, accordingly, consists of factors, which can include personal attributes her such as background, culture, and personality. In addition these characteristics are protected under discrimination legislation in terms of race, disability, gender, religion, and believe sexual orientation and age. As with most countries Great Britain has a diverse multicultural population, according to the 2001 Census, 92.1 per cent of the UK population describe themselves as white (though not necessarily British). The remaining 7 per cent (4.6 million) belonged to non-white ethnic minority groups. The 2001 Census figure quoted above represented a 53 per cent growth in the minority ethnic population between 1991 and 2001 (i.e., from 3 million in 1991, to 4.6 million) (Economic and Social Research Council 2011) As far back as AD 43, with the Romans, (Hull County Council 2011), and up to this very date people have settled in the UK. Today they UK is part of the European Federation and as such must let freedom of movement for the population between member states. (Treaty on the Functioning of the European UnionShow MoreRelatedDiversity And Diversity For A Company873 Words   |  4 PagesDiversity is a key contributor in today’s workforce. Many factors effect diversity and there are guidelines a company can follow to ensure it is diverse. Diversity and inclusion can be tools to create a competitive advantage for a company and can help solve issues by looking at problems from different perspectives. It also contributes to the employees by allowing for work with many types of people. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Change Model in Action in The Ocean Pacific...

Social Change Model in Action The Ocean Pacific Community Center (OPCC) is only one great example of good leadership and the Social Change Model within today’s society. OPCC is a Santa Monica based social services agency providing housing programs and helpful services for low-income and homeless youth, adults and families, battered women and their children and people living with mental illness. Good leadership can unify and bring together the best of the group. According to Komives and Wagner, everyone has it within himself or herself to become a leader and good leadership involves collaborative relationships that lead to collective action grounded in the shared values of people who work together to effect positive change (Komives †¦show more content†¦Many of the people working with the homeless population at OPCC have first hand experience about being homeless and are able to connect with everyone new entering the program on a very personal level. By sharing their real live struggles, they build a trust level and understanding that can only come from honest and personal experiences. They also understand the necessity of acknowledging each individual needs and how these need to be met before the end goal can be achieve. Personally, I really like that at OPCC no one is turned away because of an alcohol or drug addiction. Rather, it is looked at as a cause of being homeless and can’t be addressed until the basic needs of shelter and food are met. The ability to manage controversy with civility is critical in the social change process. When we can understand whom we are working with, why it is important, and how we are making a difference, we have a deeper understanding of social justice issues. We aren’t just going through the motions of action in our service, but we are being reflective, mindful, and intentional. For the most part I think that people avoid confrontation to maintain civility because they are programmed by their parents and society to avoid disagreeing with others. Many people stay away from conflict in order to avoid opening up the uncomfortable place of placing themselves in a vulnerableShow MoreRelatedThe Work Of The Cleaning Supplies Industry1720 Words   |  7 Pagesnot a good business model, they were driven by altruistic motives to help the planet one step at a time [Eng, Dinah]. When Method finally hit the shelves of America, it was almost an immediate success. Within one year, Method expanded and created a headquarters in downtown San Francisco, and sold its products to over 800 s tores across the the nation. 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Social Mobility and Cultural Dissonance-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Cultural Dissonance. Answer: Cultural dissonance is the uncomfortable sense of disharmony, conflict, discord or confusion which is experienced by the people in the midst of variations in their cultural environment (Daenekindt, 2014). The day I migrated to Seattle the first few days were hectic since I was new to the part of the country. I decided to shop in a super market, and I requested one of the sales attendants for one specific ingredient that we used for cooking in my cooking list. The sales attendant did not understand the accent, and he invited the manager to offer help in understanding the language. Once the manager arrived to assist us, I gave the details concerning ingredient I required as per its use. The manager still was not in a position to understand the ingredient I was discussing and in the mid of my explanation, she made it known to me that, I should go and learn to speak the English that Americans in Seattle speaks (Heine, 1997). She responded this in a very high tone that almost all customers gazed at me as a result of the rude comment. I felt so offended and degraded due to the manner in which the manager addressed me before the other customers. As I come from a region where English is what we converse with each other, I am proud to say am in a cosmopolitan city. I never judge people based on culture race or accent. I always understand everyone. Bibliography: Daenekindt, S. and Roose, H., 2014. Social mobility and cultural dissonance. Poetics, 42, pp.82-97. Heine, S.J. and Lehman, D.R., 1997. Culture, dissonance, and self-affirmation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23(4), pp.389-400

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Practical applications of the study

Table of Contents Correlation research Variable from this study Correlation and causation Conclusion References In an employment situation, leaders should understand their employees to develop effective employees’ motivation mechanisms. Fulfillment of psychological contracts between the employer and employee facilitates development and reinforcement of good employee’s relation. To analyze a real practical example, let us take an example of information technology departments consisting of specialist and their support staffs.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Practical applications of the study specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The management should ensure that the employees are effectively vetted before engaging them. Their salary package should be attractive enough and have mechanism and systems to be utilized to communicate their issues to the management. The human resources department should blea ch the gap between the employees and the management. The management should look into satisfaction, intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors and benefits to motivate their staffs. More emphasis should be placed on extrinsic factors. Gender mix in an organization affects the performance of a department; the management should have appropriate measures to ensure that there is a health combination of age, gender and expertise. Correlation research A correlation research is a qualitative and quantitative  method of research, where a positive relationship existing between two or more variable from the same population or subject is established. In the study, some variables that influence each other in one way or another, what is important is to understand how these variables affect each other. Relationship between variables is measured from +1 to -1, where +1 are variables with perfect correlation where by a unit change in variable A in direction 1, leads to a unit change in variable A in t he same direction. A correlation of -1 means that the variables are perfectly uncorrelated; a change in variable A in direction 1 leads to a change in variable B in the opposite direction. When the correlation is zero, then there is no correlation between the variables (Eells, 1991). Variable from this study Variables are classified into dependent and independent variables. Dependent variables change when an independent variable changes. In this study, staff motivation is the dependent variable and depends on various variables. The independent variables are both qualitative and qualitative variables. They are job satisfaction, intrinsic, extrinsic, benefits, gender, age, department, tenure and position.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In a work place, motivation of staffs is dependent of extrinsic factors, how well they have been affected by the business. They have a positiv e correlation where improvements in extrinsic variables in an organization lead to an improvement of motivation in an organization. The decision to choose the dependent variable is after analyzing the results in the exercise. Changes in independent variables where giving rise to changes in independent variables (Galavotti, 2005). Correlation and causation In a research study, where certain variables affect the results of other variables, then the variables at hand are correlated, whether negatively or positively. The approach taken by correlation is similar with the underlying philosophy of causation, which aims to establish a cause effect relationship between different variables. The similarity of the two research variables is that they aim at establish the existing positive relationship of variables in a research. Their difference is on the approach they utilize, in correlation, variables are affected by a common phenomenon and they affect each other. In causation, a variable A c auses the existence of variable B (Billingsley, 1995). Conclusion Undertaking a research assists a company establish relationship between various variables in the work place: when the relationship is established, it facilitates making of strategic decisions. References Billingsley, P. (1995).  Probability and Measure. New York: Wiley. Eells, E.(1991).  Probabilistic Causality, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Practical applications of the study specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Galavotti, M. (2005).  Philosophical Introduction to Probability, Stanford: CSLI Publications This essay on Practical applications of the study was written and submitted by user Hanna U. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Free Essays on Symbols In Lord Of The Flies

Piggy’s specs are a very symbolic object. Piggy is a social outcast but his intelligence and thoughtfulness well exceed that of any of the other boys. His thoughts come to life through Ralph’s image to make an ultimate leader. The specs are a symbol of man’s ability to perceive and think, man’s greed, and the boys’ vision of civilization. Piggy is the most intelligent boy and has the clearest perception of the boys on the island. The fact that he wears glasses is a symbol of his intelligence. After he was killed, â€Å"There was no Piggy to talk sense.†(216) Piggy was â€Å"a true, wise friend.† (202). At the beginning of the novel, Ralph uses the specs to create a signal fire for rescue, an intelligent idea. However, Jack uses Piggy’s specs to â€Å"smoke [Ralph] out and set the island on fire†(217). This is a contrast between the good and bad applications of man’s knowledge. The specs symbolise the greedy nature of mankind. The two tribes want the specs to create fire. Jack’s tribe wants fire to cook, Ralph’s tribe want the specs to keep the signal fire going. Ralph’s tribe was willing to share the glasses, â€Å"[Jack], You could have had fire whenever you wanted. But you didn’t. You came sneaking up like a thief and stole Piggy’s glasses!† (195) Jack would rather steal the specs and make Ralph’s tribe weak than share the tools they have collectively. He wants to have more power at all costs. His lack of morals lets his greedy nature take him over, and his followers as well. It is interesting because when Piggy has lost his glasses and can not see, the rest of the boys also lose their perception of reality and what is and is not acceptable behaviour. Roger loses his vision of what is humane, and â€Å"with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all of his weight on the lever†(200) and took Piggy’s life. They practically aba ndon all ties to civilized life, and they are too blind to see this. Piggy’s glasse... Free Essays on Symbols In Lord Of The Flies Free Essays on Symbols In Lord Of The Flies Piggy’s specs are a very symbolic object. Piggy is a social outcast but his intelligence and thoughtfulness well exceed that of any of the other boys. His thoughts come to life through Ralph’s image to make an ultimate leader. The specs are a symbol of man’s ability to perceive and think, man’s greed, and the boys’ vision of civilization. Piggy is the most intelligent boy and has the clearest perception of the boys on the island. The fact that he wears glasses is a symbol of his intelligence. After he was killed, â€Å"There was no Piggy to talk sense.†(216) Piggy was â€Å"a true, wise friend.† (202). At the beginning of the novel, Ralph uses the specs to create a signal fire for rescue, an intelligent idea. However, Jack uses Piggy’s specs to â€Å"smoke [Ralph] out and set the island on fire†(217). This is a contrast between the good and bad applications of man’s knowledge. The specs symbolise the greedy nature of mankind. The two tribes want the specs to create fire. Jack’s tribe wants fire to cook, Ralph’s tribe want the specs to keep the signal fire going. Ralph’s tribe was willing to share the glasses, â€Å"[Jack], You could have had fire whenever you wanted. But you didn’t. You came sneaking up like a thief and stole Piggy’s glasses!† (195) Jack would rather steal the specs and make Ralph’s tribe weak than share the tools they have collectively. He wants to have more power at all costs. His lack of morals lets his greedy nature take him over, and his followers as well. It is interesting because when Piggy has lost his glasses and can not see, the rest of the boys also lose their perception of reality and what is and is not acceptable behaviour. Roger loses his vision of what is humane, and â€Å"with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all of his weight on the lever†(200) and took Piggy’s life. They practically aba ndon all ties to civilized life, and they are too blind to see this. Piggy’s glasse...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

University of the District of Columbia Admissions Data

University of the District of Columbia Admissions Data University of the District of Columbia Description: The University of the District of Columbia is a historically black, public university located in Washington, D.C. (learn about other D.C. colleges). It is the only public university in the District of Columbia and one of the few urban land grant institutions in the United States. The nine-acre main campus is situated in northwest D.C., just a short distance from many of the Washington metropolitan area’s cultural and recreational offerings. UDC offers more than 75 degree programs for undergraduate and graduate students, including popular programs in business administration, accounting, biology and administration of justice. The university is especially proud of its education program, including its Center for Urban Education. Academics are supported by a 14 to 1 student / faculty ratio. The university also includes the UDC Community College, a branch of the university that grants associate’s degrees, and the David A. Clarke School of Law. Campus life is active at UDC, wi th more than 50 student clubs including the Aviation Student Association and Video Game Association, and a host of fraternities and sororities. The UDC Firebirds field ten men’s and women’s varsity athletic teams in the NCAA Division II East Coast Conference. Admissions Data (2016): UDC Acceptance Rate: -University of the District of Columbia has open admissionsTest Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: - / -SAT Math: - / -SAT Writing: - / -Whats a good SAT score?ACT Composite: - / -ACT English: - / -ACT Math: - / -Whats a good ACT score? Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 4,318  (3,950 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 43% Male / 57% Female46% Full-time Costs (2016 - 17): Tuition and Fees: $5,612  (in-state); $11,756 (out-of-state)Books: $1,280  (why so much?)Room and Board: $16,425Other Expenses: $4,627Total Cost: $27,944  (in-state); $34,088 (out-of-state) University of the District of Columbia Financial Aid (2015  - 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 75%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 65%Loans: 30%Average Amount of AidGrants: $6,756Loans: $5,530 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:  Accounting, Biology, Business Administration, Corrections, Economics, Graphic Design, Health Education, Social Work Transfer, Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 56%Transfer-out Rate: 30%4-Year Graduation Rate: 13%6-Year Graduation Rate: 33% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:  Soccer, Tennis, Lacrosse, BasketballWomens Sports:  Tennis, Track and Field, Cross Country, Lacrosse, Basketball Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like the University of DC, You May Also Like These Schools: Virginia State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphDelaware State University: Profile  George Washington University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphVirginia Union University: Profile  American University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphGeorge Mason University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphTennessee State University: Profile  Clark Atlanta University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphShaw University: Profile  Norfolk State University: Profile   University of the District of Columbia Mission Statement: mission statement from The University of the District of Columbia is a pacesetter in urban education that offers affordable and effective undergraduate, graduate, professional, and workplace learning opportunities. The institution is the premier gateway to postsecondary education and research for all residents of the District of Columbia. As a public, historically black, and land-grant institution, the University’s responsibility is to build a diverse generation of competitive, civically engaged scholars and leaders.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Stereotypes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stereotypes - Essay Example Over time, people come to believe these stereotypes as literal representations of an undeniable reality and, accordingly, perceive of and treat members of the stereotyped group from within the confines of these biased opinions. The United States, despite its being a heterogeneous, pluralistic society with a supposedly liberal and multicultural society, is a virtual hotbed of stereotypes. There is hardly an ethnic, racial, religious or cultural group in the US which is not defined in accordance with a set of, often unflattering and negative, stereotypes. Indeed, as Slotkin (2001) maintains, the entire notion of the "melting pot," let alone that of the "many as one," is nothing but a myth (469). The various ethnic, racial, religious and culture groups in the country have not melted into one another and are, most definitely, not one. They are separated by each group's belief in its own difference from the others and by stereotypes which effectively determine the manner in which each group will be perceived of by the others; stereotypes which are ultimately founded upon the exaggerated representation of differences. According to Aleiss (1995) Among the many stereotyped groups in the United States, few have bee n so persistently perceived and treated from within the narrow, prejudicial and often erroneous confines of stereotypes as have been the American Indians/Native Americans. Following a brief overview of the biased views surrounding American Indians, the translation of stereotypes into actual practices shall be analyzed in relation to the military. It has been theorised that anti-American Indian stereotypes emerged as a consequence of the relationship between ethnicity and nationality. In his overview of this theoretical conceptualization, Slotkin (2001) contends that perceptions of an immutable relationship between ethnicity and nationality, compounded with an overwhelming determination to create a nation which was reflective of their identity, beliefs and worldview, literally drove the early European settlers to impose images of savagery upon the native Americans, thereby furnishing a justification for their annihilation. As Todorov (1984) explains, the earlier settlers had, either directly or indirectly, been pushed out of their native lands primarily because they simply did not fit in. Upon settling in the New World, they were determined to create a nation which reflected who they were and design a culture which echoed their values and promoted their social, economic, political and ideological worldviews. Within the context of this particular nation and culture building project, the American Indian functioned as an anomaly, an obstacle to the fulfilment of the stated. Consequently, the realization of the settlers' articulated ambition became inextricably linked to the removal of the stated obstacle, ultimately leading to a violent war against the Native Americans. This war, as Sandberg (2006) argues, was, on the surface, morally and ethically unjustifiable insofar as it sought the extermination and elimination of the territory's rightful owners and inhabitants. It gained legitimacy and, hence, became a justifiable war, through the promotion and propagation of stereotyp

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Criminal Justice - Essay Example The following are some of the factors that predict spousal abuse (Bowen, para1-2). Social environment is one of the predictive factors. Bowen reports that findings published by University of Bristol in 1999 indicated that women who live in the most societal adversity are up to 15 times more likely to be victims of domestic violence when their child is three years. Women living in slums and rural areas are highly vulnerable to spousal abuse. Age of the woman is another predictor of domestic violence. The number of young women who go through abuse is more than that of old women. Research has shown that women at their prime child bearing age are at more risk that the older ones. Preidt notes that according to the U.S. health department, more than 30% of women screened at the antenatal clinics have confirmed to receive a spousal abuse at a certain point. Social status of a woman is also a good indicator of whether she has domestic abuse issues or not. Women holding influential positions in the society do not receive spousal abuse as their counterparts with low societal profile (Preidt, para3-4). In addition, the level of education of the partners affects the relationship. Poorly educated women experience family-based violence. This is worst if there is a gap in education between her and the husband. Another factor is family size and composition. Some men get married with some expectations from their wives. When these expectations fail to come, they develop a negative image of their wives and start mistreating them. For example, a husband may go into marriage expecting the wife to bear a son. After some years, the wife only gives him daughters. This culminates into spousal abuse. History of depression on the partners can also indicate possibility of abuse since it affects human capacity in many areas of life. If the woman or the man has a history of depression, it is likely that he/she shall take it

Friday, January 24, 2020

John Calvin :: essays papers

John Calvin John Calvin was the founder of the Calvinist faith, the Presbyterian denomination of Christianity today. Calvin was born and died in 1564. John Calvin was one of the chief leaders of the Protestant Reformation. From his early life and start in Protestantism, to his life in Geneva, and the Proclamation of his faith, Calvin was an incredible individual. Calvin was born in Noyon, France, near Compiegne. His father was a lawyer for the Roman Catholic Church. Young Calvin was educated in Paris, Orleans and Bourges. Calvin planned to be a lawyer as his father was, but it is likely that he never inwardly committed himself to that career. With his father died in May of 1931, Calvin was free to make his choice. He completed his doctorate in law but then came to study Greek and Latin and the University of Paris. Calvin's life then took a new direction that he refers to as a "sudden conversion". He writes about his experience in the introduction to his Commentary on the Psalms written in 1557: "Since I was more stubbornly addicted to the superstitions of the Papacy than to be easily drawn out of so deep a mire, God subdued my heart-too stubborn for my age-to docility by a sudden conversion." Therefore, by 1533 Calvin had declared himself a Protestant. In 1534 Calvin moved to Basel, Switzerland where there, two years later in 1536, he published his first edition on Institutes of the Christian Religion. Calvin's book was the most influential work in the development of the Protestant churches of the Reformed tradition. It sets forth his basic ideas of religion, and he expanded it throughout his life. After much persuasion in 1536, Calvin became a leader of Geneva's first group of Protestant pastors, even though he was probably never ordained a priest. In 1538, Calvin and some of the other Protestant pastors were banished for their strict doctrines. While Calvin was banished from Geneva he became the pastor of a French refugee Protestant church in Strasbourg, Germany. There he met Martin Baucer who greatly influenced him. Calvin adapted many of Baucer's ideas on church government and worship. Also while in Strasbourg, Calvin met and married Idelette de Bure, a widow. The couple's only child died in infancy. In 1541 the Geneva city council begged Calvin to return due to their lack of able religious and political leadership. Calvin's wife died in 1549 and he never remarried. Calvin developed a constitution for Geneva with dealt with both secular and sacred matters.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Gay marriages should be made legal

Homosexuality has always been an easily misunderstood aspect of human's sexual life. People have diverse opinions but also very complex feelings over homosexuality. From the ancient years homosexuals were called â€Å"human garbage† and thought to be unclean by society. They were always isolated and rejected because of their sexual preferences, which were something different and unusual in comparison with the standards of society. However the way each of us deal with the fact of homosexuality depends on our own background, confusion, and personal experience with this issue. In the last years it has appeared the phenomenon of gay marriages, which actually worries society and raises many speculations about its probable legalization. Gay marriages happen more frequently in the recent years and they provoke disagreements and disputes among people. The moral issue that arises is whether gay marriages should be made legal or not. The majority of people are against legalization of this kind of marriages because they consider it as something abnormal and as a terrible sin against society, which unavoidably leads to disaster. According to the common belief gay marriages never existed in the past so there is no reason to change the already existing and well built foundations of this society. Whatever differs from the widely accepted establishment, is isolated and thrust aside. Consequently gay are not allowed to have a family and live their life as they dreamed it of. Furthermore, homosexuals are despised and rejected from the Christians and the religion in general. They are thought to be the â€Å"black ships† which do not deserve to be loved by God or by anyone else. According to our religion the two sexes have to married each other and anything else beside that is considered as blaspheme. They don't follow the â€Å"rules† of society and religion and they have to be punished. Consequently society, decides for the structure of the most appropriate kind of family and it actually excludes the minority of homosexuals by depriving them the right of getting married, creating a family and even have or adopt children. Additionally they are not suitable to bring up a child with the normal way because inevitably one of the two sexes is absent. According to Freud the lack of one of the two sexes in a marriage ends up to be disastrous for the personality of the child. This comes as a natural consequence because the child has only one sex model to imitate and learn from. Things become even more complicated when the child is of the opposite sex from the parents. On the other hand, according to homosexuals and their supporters same sex marriages should be legalized, because all people despite their sexual preferences must be able to get married with the person they love. Homosexuality is not something repulsive but just something different that heterosexuals are not used to. Gay support the opinion that sexual orientation is something, which seems to be â€Å"‘given† and it can't change. Homosexuals can't deny the truth about themselves and they get in a process of discovering and accepting themselves as they are. We must do the same thing and avoid criticizing them for their choices. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with morality. Homosexuals as well as heterosexuals can be involved in sexual sin, including promiscuity, infidelity and abuse. They are just like the rest of us, they have the same rights and they deserve the same opportunities in life. Consequently, they should be allowed to get married and create a family. They can be as good parents as the ordinary parents. They can offer love, tenderness and they can contribute to the formation of their children's personality. In conclusion homosexuality has many supporters but also many enemies. The problem that arises is whether it should be legalized or not. As we know from history all kind of discriminations led humanity straight to disaster in the past years. So as we accept every person with its benefits but also its disadvantages, we should also accept the homosexuals. Even if people cannot easily accept something new and different that inclines from what is considered as normal we must try to accept it and give homosexuals the chance to fulfil their dreams and live their lives without any unfair discriminations through legalization of gay marriages.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Early Pregnancy - 2116 Words

Early Pregnancy young mothers are observable to some extent. 5. There is no significant relationship between the possible causes of early pregnancy and academic performances. Thus... Premium Significance Of a Study Significance of the Study The study of the knowledge, attitude and practice on premarital sex of senior high school students in a certain national high... PremiumSaved Early Pregnancy possible reasons. This paper focuses on determining the possible reasons for early pregnancy among teenagers. Conflicts of the teenager Family problem/broken... Premium Significance Of The Study Significance of the study Millennium Travel Corporation (MTC) travel agency plans to become a market leader by augmenting its human travel agents with†¦show more content†¦Do you know anyone at your school who is pregnant or has a baby? Though teen pregnancy has been on the decline over the past decade, the United States still has the highest teen pregnancy rate of any western industrialized country. So what does this mean for you? It means that, if you’re a girl in this country, you have a 34% chance of becoming pregnant by the time you’re 20. And it’s not just girls who are facing the consequences. The effects of teen parenthood also follow the young fathers and children throughout their lives. You hear about teen pregnancy in movies, in the news, at school, and from your parents. You know it’s not a good idea to have a baby when you’re still a kid yourself, so why are so many teens still getting pregnant every year? And what can you do about it? TEEN PREGNANCY – An Introduction Does it sometimes seem like everyone your age is having sex? Do you know anyone at your school who is pregnant or has a baby? Though teen pregnancy has been on the decline over the past decade, the United States still has the highest teen pregnancy rate of any western industrialized country. So what does this mean for you? It means that, if you’re a girl in this country, you have a 34% chance of becoming pregnant by the time you’re 20. And it’s not just girls who are facing the consequences. The effects of teen parenthood also follow the young fathers andShow MoreRelatedEarly Pregnancy4113 Words   |  17 PagesGeneral Topics: Pregnancy Narrow Topic: Teenage Pregnancy Thesis Statement: Early Pregnancy places young women’s health and lives at risk as teenage girls over15 years of age twice as like to die from childbirth compared to women in their twenties. Outline I. Early Pregnancy A. Definition B. Classification II. Causes of Early Pregnancy A. Curiosity B. Lack of Knowledge C. Experimenting III. Effects A. Death B. Poverty C. Stop of schooling IV. 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The ad â€Å"An Early Pregnancy is No Fairy Tale† conveys a message of early teen pregnancy and tries to prevent it from happening. The advertisement represents the ironic story of Snow White and the seven Dwarfs to indicates that early pregnancy will ruin people’s dream of a fairy tale. The advertisement is a picture of Snow White and her seven children that represent the sevenRead MoreAn Early Pregnancy Is No Fairy Tale925 Words   |  4 Pagesand gain more consumers. Advertisement is a form of communication that focuses on a certain topic without sounding too needy or annoying. The ad â€Å"An Early Pregnancy is No Fairy Tale† conveys a message to control and stop teen pregnancy. The advertisement represents the ironic story of Snow White and the seven Dwarfs to indicate that early pregnancy can ruin a person’s dream of a fairy tale. The advertisement is a picture of Snow White and her seven children that represents the seven Dwarfs. Instead